We bring here a collection of articles and updates about gadgets, how and what gadgets are super useful, what is trending and so on.
If you want to voice your opinion, go to the Tech section in the FORUM and start a discussion.
If tech is not your thing, this IS the place to be. What we present here is an overview and none of the links below (or links within them) are intense! You can read just enough to get a hang of things...
We strongly urge ALL QV Women to take a look from time to time.
A community resource platform. Several guides on how to deal with harassment industry wise.
A site dedicated to eliminating the gender gap in tech. It has an international focus and has over 50 chapters globally. Worth a look.
The article has links to several tech websites with news and events;
An old favorite. This has information on who's buying what, where to shop, who made how much profit and so on. A very interesting site with varied information from the tech world. Definitely worth a browse, trust us.
Ok, what this means is top sites based on how many followers they have, but some of them are really good (like Mashable, Wired.com and Tech Crunch)
Reader contributions
And here are some articles that readers have sent in, worth a read definitely!!
Estelle Autrey suggested we add this to our resources section. W e agree! Thanks Estelle. (And Wizcase and author of the article Julia Olech. )
This is quite an interesting read, telling us about the state of women in tech. It covers everything from state of the sector to what changes are needed. (Thank you Emma Carey!!) Thanks also to Jennifer Gregory who wrote the original article and to websiteplanet.