There is so much talk here in the US about the holiday season, whether to travel or not, whether to trust Covid tests or not...how crushing it will be not see family this year and so on. Makes me wonder about two things -
1) What would happen if we didn't see our loved ones for one holiday season? We can keep in touch several ways via video conferencing. If you ask me, we are overdoing the family thing vis Zoom and other things than before!
2) How do people who have family away from them feel? Those who lives thousands of miles from loved ones? Here in the US, it is very common to know someone who has family overseas...in India, or China or Europe...do they not cope with this year after year? How do they do it? What can we learn from them?
They form bonds locally, with others from their country / region or with neighbors or many, as I have noticed, form bonds with their children's' friends' parents!
Can we not be patient for one year, one season? There is already encouraging news about the vaccine.. it is disheartening to see Covid spikes everywhere coupled by people insisting on traveling to see loved ones...
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