This is NOT my original story and I do not know the origin, I would say there are many versions f it in different cultures. I was very sad when I first heard this, but as a woman, a career woman more so, it has a strong message for us.

A huge elephant was tied to a thin rope and pegged to the ground. A man passing by was shocked to see this. He was amazed how such a large animal was secured with such a thin rope. At the time, the elephant's trainer came out and saw the man's astonishment. He replied calmly- the rope cannot contain the elephant. All it takes is a simple tug from the large animal, or probably just start to walk and it will come away. But you see, from a young age we tie the elephants with this rope and at that age the rope is sufficient. Doing this over and over makes the elephant believe that the rope is strong enough to tie it down!
So the moral would be that it all comes down to what we believe in, and how strongly we believe in our own strength! if we push ourselves just a little bit more we can do so much more! (Sometimes the rope is not thin in life, it will be really thick and strong and others pulling it actively to "keep us in our place", but we need to keep pushing, there is no other way!
I hope everyone finds some inspiration in this.
#believeinyourself #girlpower #womenhelpingwomen #powerfulstorytelling