Gold or silver? Antique or funky? How do you decide? Is it the occasion? Or what you are wearing? Or the fabric and color? Or your mood that dictates how we choose to accessorize? I'd like to know...
(This is supposed to be a fun thing to get us all chatting, so please don't agonize over answers, just write what comes to mind... and share images if you want!)
It never takes me too long to choose what accessories to wear... I tend to feel that most outfits have a 'tone', whether that be silver or gold or anything else. I try to see what type of jewelry would go with the center of my outfit and wear that.
Hmmm... this is why I should not have allowed QVW Desk to have a handle on the Forum! A very deeply thoughtful question indeed...
There was a time when I had two types of accessories for each outfit! One classic and one more trendy. I was known for changing ear tops and chains bracelets everyday. Now I barely wear anything! It started off when I moved to a colder place and with hats and scarves and gloves on 7-8 months a year, I lost the will to accessorize. This however is just me. There are loads of other women who have wonderful winter accessories that go with hats and gloves and coats! It comes own to what makes you happy, it really is a state of mind!
I am however partial to antique or antique-looking jewelry- not just the finish but designs also. They do not go with all types of outfits unless they are well made- else they look like cheap tarnished stuff.
I used to think I am more of a ear studs type of person but have recently started to think dangling stuff suits me more, or maybe it is the life+ career phase I am in now!
I do however agree with @arakalic that pearls makes a world of difference to one's wardrobe. However it is not something I would advise for anyone under 30! It has a classy charm that goes well with someone over 30-35.... this is an arbitrary thing I am saying, purely my opinion....
I don't like matchy matchy and am rather partial to the 'classics' - though I don't own a lot of those!! I am now at a point where I don't want anything too large or dangling but not too stately!
I am partial to finger rings as I feel you can have gold, silver and something funky on different fingers as long as you are confident about it!
I try to go more by occasion than my mood for many times when I think of how boring a party or gathering is actually going to be, I'd want to go in a bathrobe with a cup of coffee!!
A little bit of everything! I love variety and for my jewlery to change daily with my outfits. I strive for matching all the time. Usually I choose my outfit based on the weather and my mood then coordinate my accessories last, but on occasion I’ll pick out specific jewelry I want to wear and find and outfit to with it.