Will you be my Valentine. It is never too early.
My love,
When I marry you,
I know what I’ll say.
My statement will be,
“I’ll love you in sickness
and in health.”
For harder and easier,
For fun and for work.
When I’m nice and pleasanter,
Or a jerk.
In sickness and in health
Until beyond death-do-us-part.
When I’ll propose to you again
And beg for your heart.
Please say yes…again.
Love you, P
To all the quiet value women out there: can you trust a love poem that is drug-inspired? In the time of COVID a lot of people soothe themselves with drugs, alcohol, or both. Their poetry, art, music is then inspired by substances. The poem is thus inspired. Fleeting. Meaningful in the moment but soon forgotten as substance use often erases memory.

The footnote is a woman speaking to other women. She received this poem, written for her by a lover. The lover wrote the poem while on drugs. The woman wants to trust the sentiment of the poem but fears it is not based on reality. Today the poet does not recall the poem. Drug induced inspiration has erased it from his memory.
I read the poem but did not understand the footnote. Reading what @tropical_blossoms is commenting, I now am more confused...
That under the influence of substance use, you forgot you proposed and are doing it again?? I suppose I have to read this story now....
But for it is worth, the poem by itself is quite good! Maybe the poet should clarify the entire post.
That’s a beautiful poem. The inspiration if substance induced, to me, is questionable. That is a topic I’d rather not dwell upon. For every beautiful piece of art supposedly substance inspired, there are innumerable lives wasted.
On the comment of fleeting emotions that are forgotten later, I am reminded of this beautiful short story by O Henry.