We have collated here some very interesting websites that have information on art from around the world. It is a work in progress so not every region is covered.
NOTE: All links are secure to the best of our knowledge (has a https, not http). Please exercise caution and do not click on links you are unsure of. The content on external websites are their own and Quiet Value Woman is not responsible for that. Please read our Terms of Use if in doubt)
GOOGLE ARTS AND CULTURE - Did anyone know this existed?? We didn't and since we discovered it, we cannot stop browsing!! Take a look at the entire site and the 'collections' section - All museums under one space! Go Google!!
THE DESIGN MUSEUM - While the actual museum is in London England, they have unveiled a new Digital Design Museum to cater to the public, many of whom are at home now, and with kids. Worth a look. They have interesting DIY (Do It Yourself) crafts for kids at the Young Design Museum.
BBC's MUSEUM FROM HOME - More cultural stuff from the BBC in the form of Zoom video live and recorded sessions. Covers virtual tours of museums, galleries and libraries across the UK.
10 CONTEMPORARY NORDIC ARTISTS - Not everyone's cup of tea, but worth a look.
FOUR INDIAN ARTISTS TO FOLLOW- (According to world architecture.org that is!) Take a look and decide for yourself.
THE BEST ART WEBSITES - has links to various contemporary art trends for everyone.
COOL ART LINKS - Has some greyed out buttons if you scroll down, each leading you to a different art site. The drawings of Learnado (Da Vinci) is particularly good.